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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Week 2 Assignment Part 2

Week 2 Assignment Part 2

Q Audience Analysis Summary of Assignment: Task: Write a brief analysis of the intended audience for the Six Source Essay. Please complete this material as labor for an A grade. Length: 500 words (2 pages, double-spaced) Format: APA 7 Point of view: The audience analysis will be written from the first-person point of view. One of the challenges that writers face when composing new work is the issue of the audience. Who is the audience? Is it my instructor, my editor, or my colleagues? Is my audience myself alone? Of course, the first audience that any writer composes is his/her/their self. The first voice that they hear as they compose the words on the paper is their own. The primary audience is the person expressing the ideas. A writer asks questions and shapes the work according to the tastes and expectations of that first, important listener—the self, the person composing the paper. However, as the work is presented to other people, the audience for a writer’s ideas expand. Sometimes, practicing writers are confused about how to shape the material that they are presenting to consider the potential readers. In a course like WRTG 391, a writer might ask: Is the instructor my audience? Are my peers my audience? Am I writing for people who are studying in my major? Am I writing for academic researchers? Imagining potential readers can give the writer insights and inspiration that help positively shape the final draft. Here are some questions to help you to prepare for an audience analysis: ?Who are the people who make up my audience (real and imaginary)? What are their characteristics? ? Do the writing assignment directions give clues about a possible audience for this paper? ? Who is likely to be interested in the research I am presenting? ? How can I organize my material to make it clear to my audience? ? What part of the research will elicit a response, such as surprise, disagreement, or support, from my audience? ? What impression do I want to convey about the research that I’ve done? ? How do I want my audience to react to the information in the paper? How do I hope they will react to the writing that I have done? Helpful Resources: The Writing Center. (2020). Prewriting. Targeting your audience. University of Maryland Global Campus. writing/tutorial/chapter2/ch2-04.html Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2019). Identifying Audiences. Purdue Online Writing. g_audiences.html The Writing Center. (2020). Audience. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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The concerned paper has been written on Covid 19 crisis, and it mainly discusses the major implications of Covid 19 pandemic on child education and their overall well-being. This is a topic of universal relevance and importance. Therefore, this paper has mainly been written for the common audience, who has fought against this Covid pandemic and who have also suffered because of the disruptions in education and child health, caused by Covid. Therefore, along with the parents, audience for this essay also include teachers and social individuals, who plays a great role in making the society worthwhile for living.